Eco UNESCO Young Environmentalist semi finalists

A huge congratulations to our two groups of Transition Year students on reaching the semi finals of the ECO-UNESCO’s Young Environmentalist Awards (YEA).ECO-UNESCO’s Young Environmentalist Awards (YEA) is an all-Ireland environmental awards programme that recognises and rewards young people who raise environmental awareness and improve the environment.‘No Cap’ by Hannah Grace, Alice Kilganon, Olibhia Mulhall & Rachel Kelly.“No Cap is the idea of recycling bottle caps in an artistic way. We gathered bottle caps from local places such as pubs as well as our school, we would even use caps from random bottles thrown carelessly around our school and community. We gathered these together to make two beautiful murals to place outside our schools bug hotel and biodiversity garden”‘Plants for People’ by Lucy O’Rielly, Nikola Mc Carthy &  Seamus McKenzie Cleary a project mainly focused on the plants that are native to country.“Our project allowed us to learn about how to care for the plants correctly, where they grow and when they grow. Overall our main aim was to inform people about the various plants”Best of luck to all Nenagh College students on making the final round, we are very proud of you!